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Daphna Margolin, a renowned Israeli painter who is considered one of the pioneering ecological artists, has decided to have an unusual ecological art exhibit at CBI. The paintings point at the sensitive border line between technology and the environment. Margolin's works have been exhibited in prestigious venues like The Grande Palais in Paris, 1882 Gallery in Frankfurt, Fusion Arts Museum…
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medial 2. art biennial [2007]

Fourteen depicts of the complex interface between the mind evolution, biological heritage and the man-made-world. Awarded at the Israel Knesset Prize of the international vocation Fund for her activities in the field of environmental education; Awarded the First Prize for Best Short film at the Tel Aviv festival of Environmental films.

Leonardo on-line Daphna Margolin: Ada-Mah?.com

The Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat Gan, 2002 Reviewed by Jude James Freelance artist-scholar Ada-Mah?——What is man?——is the question asked in the title of the artist Daphna Margolin’s installation at the Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat Gan in 2002. In particular, Margolin is concerned artistically, philosophically, and materially, with man in relationship to and with…
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