GENE TOUCH in Munich

About Daphna Margolin:
Daphna Margolin was born in Kibbutz Tel-Yosef in Israel and is a leading Eco-Tech artist. Over the years her artistic and educational endeavors have been recognized internationally and her work focuses on the themes of ecology, technology, the recycling of the earth’s resources and the human experience.

The Gene Touch Exhibition
The artworks of collage assemblage, paintings and photographs of her
installations explore the human senses and address science’s attempts to
penetrate one of the best kept secrets of the universe - DNA and the creation of life. The installations examine human reactions to the tactile sensations of encountering textures and electromagnetic fields and explore how
our imagination can interfere with the reality of our limited sensory organs.

The exhibition asks every one of us to consider the moral implications of
genetic engineering, cloning, and genetic duplication. And to think about what will come next.

The works pose several key questions:
Can technologically-enhanced virtual tactile encounters expand the experience of human touch? Can technology express or invent an alternative for the touch of a hand, eye contact, and direct human encounters?

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